New Time: Rules for Making Wishes Come True | Liberty



New time. Rules for making wishes come true.

So, the basic rules for formulating desires and achieving goals in the energies of new times:

Set only goals that you absolutely want to achieve. If there are conditions under which you are willing to give up your goal, that goal will not be achieved.

When formulating your goals, you should be clear about what exactly you want, but not plan the ways in which it can be achieved.

Explain to God exactly what you want and let Him find the best way to get it.

Be flexible, learn to change your plans on the fly regarding ways and methods of achieving your goal if circumstances require it.

Refuse to strictly follow logic – the plans of the Spirit may sometimes require you to take actions that seem illogical. Listen to your heart, if it tells you that this is right (even if contrary to logic and common sense) – act, because the most illogical actions at first glance sometimes turn out to be the most effective.

Follow the promptings of the Spirit, move with the flow, do not try to overcome obstacles by force – all the best awaits you on the path that seems to spread out before you by itself, and behind those doors that open on their own.

Intuition is the most important tool of new times.

Dear ones, let’s talk about such an important tool of new times as intuition. The time has come when intuitive intelligence will triumph over your old way of thinking and making decisions. Each of you has a huge untapped potential for intuitive thinking.

Intuition is the voice of your Spirit. Your true self always knows what is best for you and how to achieve it in the fastest and easiest way.

But this knowledge does not come through reason or logic – it comes through multidimensional paths from your Divine home, the connection with which passes through your heart. Logic and reason are tools developed by interaction with three-dimensional reality and society in particular.

But the foundations of society, formed over thousands of years, are now crumbling. You can see this for yourself when you see how the ways in which people are accustomed to achieving success and well-being are collapsing. Those who, it would seem, had everything calculated in advance, suffer defeat because their plans are violated contrary to all logic and usual order!

But those who succeed are those who follow the voice of the Spirit, follow their intuition, without calculating their benefit in advance.

“Activation of intuitive intelligence”.

Intuitive intelligence is the combined action of the mind, heart and Spirit. Following the voice of intuition does not mean turning off your reason. This only means coming to a state of unity, the integrity of one’s being, when the mind does not contradict the heart, and logic peacefully coexists with intuition. In this way, all internal contradictions are resolved, and you live in harmony with both your mind and your heart.

For this to happen, the corresponding intention must be expressed. This can be done, for example, with the following words: “Dear Spirit, my Divine Self, take control and guidance of all my thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions and deeds. I ask my heart to open to the promptings of the Spirit and follow them. 

I appeal to my mind to act in accordance with the promptings of the Spirit, make the best decisions and direct me on the most correct paths. I appeal to the heart, mind and Spirit to act in harmony, to coexist in unity and harmony. I express my firm intention to activate my intuitive intelligence, which is nothing less than the co-creation of Spirit, heart and mind, in the name of love and light, and the realization of my personal version of heaven on Earth. Let it be so”.

Expressing this intention once is enough, but you can call on your intuitive intelligence every time you need to make a decision or choose the best path to achieve a goal.

(Translation from book “Kryon. Money and Energy of the New Time. The key to your well-being”)

To be continued… 

With Love, Liberty

“Island of Light” in English


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