On Moving through the Condemnation of Others | Nicky Hamid



(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid


On Moving through the Condemnation of Others

People are in various stages of wakefulness and thus various stages of fear. And when you are afraid you do one of two things. Withdraw and hide yourself (mentally, emotionally, or physically) or you fight or attempt to dominate or put the other person down (anger).

Mostly people will sometimes do one and sometimes the other depending on how powerful (Powerless) they feel in the situation or with the other person.

As we are waking up we are learning to consciously choose love over fear. And the more you choose love over fear in any and every situation, the more you experience freedom, peace, connectedness, and abundance.

Sometimes you can share your words of love and liberation with others and sometimes not. But when it is wise not to share, this need not stop your loving the other person and being open to the depth of them, which is love also (love behind the fear and the anger they are projecting).

Who are you to tell them what they should feel and think, and if you do and they react in defensiveness or anger, what would you expect?

IT SERVES YOU RIGHT because if you were listening to your own Heart Knowing you would not have opened your mouth in the first place.

Would you like to be told about another reality, that is not at all like the one you are experiencing, and be expected to accept it?

How “dumb” then, to be hurt because you have given them something precious to you that they do not like the taste of, and expect them to enjoy it and thank you.

Whenever you feel love in the presence of others it will touch the Soul of them, even if nothing is said.

Just as you are learning to be free, they also must have the freedom to choose whatever they are choosing.

However, if you do not match their fear and anger energy and keep your loving, your “Smile”, and image of the radiance of who they truly are, then you provide a space of Love for the other to step into when they choose.

You may never see them do this but know that they will.

Just as you are learning to trust the power of your own Lovingness, you will grow to trust the power of their love (unmanifest).

We are One, we are connected. And So It Is.

I So Love You


Note: Questions about dealing with angry and opinionated “friends” who appear to try to totally undermine, has been put to me by a number of people. I am sure many of you could write about it. I have not spoken about reflection and self-judgment since sharing at this level seemed most appropriate on the basis of where the question was coming from.


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