Fix the Problems in Your Life Right Now | Liberty



Fix the Problems in Your Life Right Now.

I know that you are not satisfied with everything in your life. You have problems that torment you and haunt you. And yet, no matter what, please repeat to yourself often: “Everything is going according to plan.” This is true. Even your problems – or what appear to you to be problems – are part of a plan that is to lead you into the Light. You can get rid of problems at any time in one of two ways: either solve them; or accept the situation that seems problematic to you and thereby eliminate the problem.

To do this, you need to figure out which of your problem situations need to be resolved and which need to be accepted. It’s simple, dear ones—easier than you think! If the problem needs to be solved, it literally screams at you! If you don’t solve this problem, you simply can’t go on living. It seems to you that your world is collapsing, the ground is slipping from under your feet, you cannot exist even in survival mode, because the very system of your life support is disrupted.

In such cases, the Spirit begins to actively nudge you to action. You are led to the doors that need to be opened. Figuratively speaking, a whole host of angels are shouting in your ear: “Turn here!!” All you have to do is hear this cry and follow the advice!

Alas, very often we have to observe how you, not hearing these calls, turn in the other direction, thereby aggravating your problems. You just need to calm down. Stop worrying, stop spinning thoughts in your head about how bad and difficult it is for you because of your problem. All you have to do is set a silence in your thoughts and then say to yourself, “I know my problem already has a solution.” If you don’t create unnecessary “noise” in your head, you will soon understand what this solution is.

And another common mistake you make is to do nothing when you are clearly required to take action. Dear ones, if you are left without means of subsistence, or if your life or health is in danger, this is a clear call to action. You don’t have to wait, you don’t have to hope that everything will work itself out. Remember, you are the master of your own life. You have to be the helmsman and the captain yourself. Your angelic guides will help you – but you must act on your own! Understand that only you know how best to act in earthly conditions. Angels don’t live on earth—they may not know what you know. They can prompt and help, give advice – but the final decision is still up to you.

You are powerful! You have your Divine Self. Trust him. Often your inaction is due only to your lack of self-confidence. You’re so afraid of doing something wrong that you prefer to do nothing. Don’t be afraid! Even if you make a mistake, you can stop at any time, go back to square one, and start over. You’ll immediately know if your move is right or wrong. When you take the right step, all the doors open in front of you, and everything comes together as if by magic, successfully, easily and quickly. If you make a wrong move, you immediately encounter an obstacle.

Don’t waste your energy on overcoming it! Step back and look for other doors. They’re there, and you’ll see them if you don’t bang on the closed doors that can blind you and deprive you of the strength you need on the way.

Allow the Spirit to lead you away from anxiety and unnecessary fuss.

But it also happens otherwise: everything is more or less calm in your life, but you see problems because you would like to improve something. Dear ones, the need for improvement is not a problem, it is the natural path of your evolution. For these improvements, you don’t have to destroy what you have now. If, figuratively speaking, the ground is not burning under your feet, if you do not feel that change is urgent and vital, do not rush to implement these changes.

Say to yourself, “I’m fine. I’m in the process of evolving. What I have now is the best possible at the moment. And tomorrow will be even better.” In this way, you will accept the situation and it will begin to develop naturally for the better. Because the only thing that gets worse in you is what you don’t accept, what you struggle with. Everything you take tends to improve.

Sometimes you want to change just because your life doesn’t seem turbulent and eventful enough. You ask yourself: what happened? Why is everything too calm for me? Where are the events? You say: I want to be in a whirlpool of turbulent events, otherwise I don’t feel alive enough!

It is very fun for us to watch your experiences like this. Because we see that you’re actually fine. Know this: this is the way it should be. Has your life become too quiet, so much so that it seems boring to you? In fact, it was the Spirit that led you away from unnecessary fuss. It is not your Spirit that wants turbulent events. Turbulent events are what your ego wants. Oh, it’s used to being in the middle of a drama! There it feels important and meaningful! It does not matter to your ego that your Spirit is exhausted in the dramas, that you are deprived of the strength you need to move forward evolutionarily.

Now that the Spirit has entered the scene, and the ego has faded into the background, there is a qualitative change in your life, and it is a change for the better, no matter what your ego tells you. Dear ones, you don’t need these external dramas anymore! You can begin to live a richer, more creative life than ever before without these overwhelming external events. Just give the stage to the Spirit. Take the ego completely off the scene. And allow your creative Spirit to work through you. Oh, very soon you will see that there will be no place for boredom in your life – even in the absence of external events!

Exercise 2. Give the stage to the Spirit.

This exercise will help you get into a state where you kind of step aside and let the Spirit work. That doesn’t mean you have to become a passive puppet. This means that you, as a human being, will become an equal partner, a co-creator of your Divine Spirit. The spirit cannot function in the material world without you. He can give you strength, power, he can prompt and advise, but you will still act. The Spirit cannot decide for you how to act—it requires your free will. But it is in your best interest to follow the promptings of the Spirit. Because the Spirit will always advise you on the best solution for you in any situation. The spirit is always on your side, don’t forget!

First, read the text of this exercise carefully – then put the book down for a while to do it.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and long, slow exhales. Ask your Divine Self to envelop you in a protective cocoon of white radiant energy. Imagine you’re standing on a huge stage. This is the scene of your life. You play the main role. You see a gigantic auditorium in front of you, filled to capacity with people. You stand in the center of the stage in the dazzling light of the spotlights and feel that hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of eyes are fixed on you.

The hall is so huge that the last rows are lost somewhere at the level of the horizon in a foggy haze. You can’t see all the spectators, but you feel like they’re all looking at you with approval, love, and anticipation.

Their eyes are supportive and seem to encourage you, pushing you to action.

Mentally say, “Dear Spirit, you know exactly what I need to do right now. I’m giving up the stage to you. Please take on the lead role. Guide my actions. Let me feel confident and calm under your guidance. Help me to play this role in the best possible way, with all the brilliance of which I am capable.”

Now imagine that a large shining angel appeared behind you. He puts his palms on your shoulders, which immediately makes you feel warm, comfortable, and protected. You’re sure you’re not afraid of anything. You are determined to play a brilliant role on the stage of your life.

Focus on the back of your head and imagine that the center of your perception of the world around you is located there. Mentally shift this center of perception back and up, outside of your physical body.

Imagine that this center of perception is now the eyes of the angel behind you. Now you perceive both the world and yourself in a physical body through the eyes of an angel. It’s as if you’ve stepped aside from yourself. You feel like your body has instantly gained maximum freedom. You are no longer afraid of anything, and you can do anything!

Now imagine a situation in your life in which you want to change. Imagine that on an imaginary stage, you are acting out this situation in the best way for you. Do not lose the feeling that a huge good angel is looking at you and guiding you. Then imagine the audience applauding you and shouting “bravo.” Flowers are flying to you from all sides. You bow, enjoying the triumph.

Next to you, your angel enjoys triumph, which is actually your Divine Self. Thank him for his help. Try to remember and maintain the sense of guidance and protection you have during this exercise.

After completing this exercise, you may have more than one problematic situation resolved by itself. Repeat this exercise as often as you like. You can play out different situations in your life, or you can just imagine yourself singing, or dancing, or reading monologues on stage, or just doing what you love, or maybe even doing ordinary everyday things under the guidance of your Divine Self.

This will give you an incomparable sense of freedom, confidence and fulfillment of your creativity that you can successfully use in your life.

Dear ones, whatever you do, give the stage to the Spirit often. You can even choose an entire day when you allow the Spirit to work. To do this, when you wake up in the morning, say to yourself, “Today I am surrendering the stage to the Spirit.

Today, I will see the world through the eyes of the Spirit. Today, I will live and act only on the promptings of the Spirit. Today, every action, every step, every word, every look, everything will be the action, the step, the word, and the look of the Spirit. Today I will live a whole day as a Spirit traveling the earth and working in human form!”

From now on, every step you take on Earth will be the world’s greatest adventure. Even the most ordinary events will be filled with joy, play, and energy. You will experience the true happiness of being in the Spirit. And, in addition, you will be able to cope with your daily duties much more easily, and you will solve even complex problems playfully.

You can do it, dear ones! Be brave, go ahead… The Spirit holds your hand, the Spirit cheers you on, and lovingly nudges you to your full unfoldment in the beautiful game called Life. Remember, you can’t lose in this game! Believe, believe, believe in yourself!

(Translation from book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)

With Love, Liberty
“Island of Light” in English


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