The Path of Ascension, Mysteries are Revealed | Liberty



The Path of Ascension. Mysteries Are Revealed.

In the depths of your hearts, each of you is now jubilant!

There may be a lot of panic, fear, worry, anxiety around you – but you can show by your example that you don’t have to panic, be afraid, and worry. That it is possible to calmly face the changes taking place on Earth, that it is possible to abide in Light and Love and change with the Earth. Those who are lagging behind these good changes are panicking. Those who panic are those who feel that these changes are something wrong and even threatening.

Don’t judge them. They are in the old low-frequency energies. The world of low-frequency energies is coming to an end – these energies are afraid, panicked, anxious, and make people who carry these energies feel the same way.

Today I wants to tell you what is really going on, and what is the greatness and grandeur of what is happening on Earth. At the deepest levels of your being, you are certainly aware of this – because you have been striving for what is happening now for many millennia. So I’m basically just going to tell you what you know. I’m just going to help you remember it, to realize it. I also want to help you clarify some of the subtleties, details, and details so that you have a completely clear, holistic picture.

I realize that many of you are in an ambivalent position right now. In the depths of your soul you are now rejoicing, you are celebrating – although this is not yet fully conscious, because your deepest essence, what is called the Soul, your Higher Self and your Divine Self (these are actually three different aspects of your being, although closely related) are jubilant. But, on the other hand, as a human being, you see a lot of grief, fear, tragedy and catastrophe around you – and this makes you fear, doubt and worry: is everything going right?

But if you look at what is happening from a higher point of view, you will see once again that everything is correct. Yes, sometimes troubles and catastrophes cannot be avoided – but they happen only because the old energy resists. The old world is collapsing – though it could have been transformed in a much more peaceful way. Your job is to help bring about this more peaceful transformation.

And to do that, you have to know clearly and definitively what’s going on. You need to know that change is inevitable, that it is a beautiful change, a change for the good of everyone and everything, and that this change must be helped, not fought against.

Whoever fights brings misfortune to himself and to all of humanity. Those who help bring about change help bring peace, love, tranquility, light and happiness to the Earth.

(Translation from book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)

With Love, Liberty
“Island of Light” in English


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